Reflecting Jesus

May 27, 2018    Mike Kettunen

Conversation starter. Start light and fun conversation in your group about the series topic.
•What do you see when you look in the mirror?
Contemplate. Ask questions to get your group thinking about these principles.
•Read Romans 8:28-30, What is good for us? Is it always what we think is good for ourselves?
•How do our actions and thoughts show what we believe?
Contribute. Ask questions that create personal openness in your group.
•Talk about a time in your life that was a struggle and how that struggle change your character for the better.
•Speak on at least one specific situation when you knew that your faith was carrying you through because of the way you were able to handle the difficulty.
•How has small group helped you learn to be more Christlike in your daily life?
Cry out to God. Pray intensely for your group on the topic.
Father, please use every situation and circumstance in our lives to mold and shape us into the image of Jesus. We want to be more like you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Commit to change. What’s a new area to grow with the Lord?
•I commit to start serving. (Text “FIRST” to 928-440-9500)
•I commit to being more self-controlled in all my activities and relationships.
•I commit to finding a way to reflect Jesus to everyone with whom I come in contact.