Part 4: Life
Group Discussion Questions
1. Joseph was in prison two full years before he had an opportunity to actively use his gifts and pursue his dreams. How do you think Joseph felt about his future during this time?
2. Joseph used his gift of dream interpretation even in a difficult time in life. How can you use the gifts God has given you in this season of life?
3. Read Genesis 41:16.
What does Joseph’s response say about his relationship with God? How does this response challenge you?
4. When has the pursuit of your dreams been put on hold, and how did God use that time of waiting?
5. God Never Wastes a hurt. Joseph’s life is full of ups and downs. It is through God’s ability to bring good out of the difficult times in life. What is a time that something hard and painful happened in your life, but later you were able to see God accomplish something amazing through your situation?
6. Why do you think Joseph showed compassion on his brothers? Why was it so important that he did?