Bright Lights Warm Hearts

Dec 30, 2018    Jeremy Diaz

Conversation starter. Start light and fun conversation in your group about the series topic.
•Who are some family members you enjoy being around? Why?
Contemplate. Ask questions to get your group thinking about these principles.
•Read Matthew 5:14-16. Why do you think God gets the glory when people see your good works?
•Read Deuteronomy 6:4-7. Why do you think talking about God all day with your family is directly connected to your love for God?
Contribute. Ask questions that create personal openness in your group.
•In what ways have you been doing good work leading your family to God? If you don’t have a family yet, how have you been leading yourself to prepare to lead your future family to God?
Cry out to God. Pray intensely for your group on the topic.
Father, thank You for giving us our families and the church. Help us to grow closer together and closer to You. Show us how to lead our families and our church family closer to You. We thank You for all You do for each of us and our loved ones. In Jesus’s name, we pray, Amen.
Commit to change. What’s a new area to grow with the Lord?
•I will pick a time to talk about God with someone in my family or a close friend.
•If I feel God calling me there, I will sign up to serve with children or youth.
•I will find a kind act to do with my family, close friend, or someone from this group so we can be a light that shows the way to Jesus.