Part 5: SEX

Feb 26, 2017    Jason Taylor

Discussion Questions
1. How does the world's view of sex differ from the biblical view we talked about on Sunday?
2. In your Marriage or even leading up to marriage, how can we build each other up before we get to the bedroom?
3. If "Awesome Sex" is passionate, how can we create more passion in our relationships?
4. Since we need to be tender in our relationships, what boundaries could we set up to help keep our spouse or date feeling cared for.
Pray this if you are single...
Dear Lord,
I know that I have sinned. You have already covered my sins by Your son’s blood, Jesus Christ. But I need help. I need Your blood to set me free in my mind, my actions, and my attitudes. I have used self-control. I have sinned. Please show me how to be free from sexual sin in this sex crazed culture. Help me to remain pure until marriage.
Pray this if you are married...
Dear Lord,
I know I have sinned. I thank You for your forgiveness upon my sins. I have stepped out of the lines of my marriage. I have been impure in my thoughts and my actions. Please set me free in my mind, my actions, and my attitudes. Please help me to serve my spouse and live sexually pure with these desires only to be fulfilled by my spouse for the rest of my life. Please show me how to be free from sexual sin in this sex crazed culture.