Part 1: My Hiding Place

Mar 4, 2018    Jason Taylor

Group Discussion Questions

1. Have you ever played hide and seek as a kid? What were some of your favorite hiding places?

2. What are some things that Jason listed in his sermon that you find a hiding place in and let control you instead of letting the Holy Spirit control and guide you?

3. According to Psalm 32:7, Jesus is willing to be our hiding place. Are you letting him surround you and be that hiding place for you? Or are you still finding comfort in the things you discussed in question 2?

4. Read Psalm 37:28. We can trust that God will always be with us and never forsake us. How does that make you feel?

5. Pray as a group for those who accepted the gift of salvation and for those who were baptized on Sunday. Pray that Jesus would become their
hiding place, that the Holy Spirit would fill them, they would know that Jesus will never forsake them and that Jesus is there to surround them with his presence during the storms of life.