Part 2: Songs of Deliverance

Mar 11, 2018    Jason Taylor

Group Discussion Questions

1.Psalm 32:7 tells us that God surrounds us with songs of deliverance. How does it make you feel that as a believer God is surrounding us, holding us close, and singing songs over us?

2.Jason said on Sunday we hear the voice of God through the Bible, so we must be self-feeders. Discuss as a group what is means to be a self-feeder. What are some tools that can help us with this?

3.We can also hear God's voice through the Holy Spirit. In what ways can we be more aware of the Holy Spirit speaking to us?

4.Jason also told us that we hear God's voice through the Church and being in community with others. Are you attending church regularly and serving? Why or why not?

5.We can also hear God's voice through our circumstances. Are you looking for God's Voice and perspective in your circumstances? Are you letting him have control? Discuss.