Part 4: Bring It Down

Oct 7, 2018    Kyle McLaughlin

Conversation starter. Start light and fun conversation in your group about the series topic.
How can you as a small group bring a little bit of heaven here to earth?
Contemplate. Ask questions to get your group thinking about these principles.
Read Matthew 22:37-40. What does ALL your heart, soul, and mind really mean? If “the second is like it,” how much should you love your neighbor?
If you believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in you. What would happen if everyone who has the Holy Spirit relied on Him for every decision they make?
Contribute. Ask questions that create personal openness in your group.
What does your prayer life look like?
What activities in your life might be limiting the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit in your life?
Cry out to God. Pray intensely for your group on the topic.
Father, we thank You for sending Jesus to die for our sins. We look forward to being in heaven with You for the rest of eternity. Show us ways to bring heaven here now. Give us the strength to show love to the people around us. We want every person that comes into contact with any one of us to feel the Holy Spirit’s presence and Your love flowing from us. Thank You. It is in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen
Commit to change. What’s a new area to grow with the Lord?
Commit, as a group, to finding ways to bring heaven down now.
I commit to confess my sins to God daily so that I’m not quenching the Holy Spirit’s work in my life.